The Connection, Inc Blog

The Connection, Inc has been serving the New Jersey area since 1992, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Why Industry Leaders are Taking a Second Look at Cloud-Based Security Solutions

Why Industry Leaders are Taking a Second Look at Cloud-Based Security Solutions

Cloud computing may be a great asset to your business, but there are still plenty of executives that remain quite reluctant about implementing it. One of the big reasons is that security breaches are often covered with high exposure on the news, and this makes it seem like the cloud isn’t a good way to store sensitive data. Now, however, cloud computing security has reached a high point, and you can bet that the cloud has ways of enhancing IT security for your business, too.

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Is Your BYOD Strategy Up to Standards?

Is Your BYOD Strategy Up to Standards?

BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device, policies have proven to be a highly effective way for companies to save money. However, these policies need to address some of the shortcomings, potential costs and issues that comes with employees bringing and using their own devices could present to your business--not to mention security concerns.

Committing Time to Mobile Device Management
Mobile Device Management, or MDM, needs to be involved whenever there’s a BYOD implementation. There needs to be a designated contact in your organization to monitor your MDM software to ensure that your data isn’t being accessed by someone lacking the authorization to do so.

Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done. Monitoring your MDM solution can very quickly become a full-time task. Before you commit to a BYOD strategy, establish if you can spare the resources to properly maintain it.

Obtaining Support
If a company provides their workforce with devices, the company is in control of which devices they provide. The company can select a certain build of machine and standardize the company systems. This means that IT only has to know how to handle one or two types of machine, allowing them to do a better, faster job taking care of your systems.

BYOD can often make obtaining support more difficult and time-consuming, and thereby less cost-effective. This is because you suddenly have to contend with numerous kinds of devices and the various issues each can present. As a result, providing uniform company devices could ultimately total out to be less expensive than allowing employees to use their own, depending on the abilities of your employees.

We’ve all been there--we get something, determined to use it, and yet it is never used for its intended purpose. This phenomenon can be seen in many cases of BYOD implementation. An employee will be approved for BYOD--whether or not their duties would be benefitted by their using their own device in the first place--and never use it for work. As a result, their employer more or less begins to pay for the employee’s personal device.

Lack of Control
It wasn’t all too long ago that Apple released iOS 11, which came with a new ‘feature’ that could more accurately be called a vulnerability. The device’s control center provides a switch to turn Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on and off. However, it turns out that these switches don’t actually turn either off, opening a user to attack. Therefore, using a device with iOS 11 installed could leave your business vulnerable if it is part of a BYOD implementation.

Now, we aren’t saying that you shouldn’t utilize BYOD. We just want to make sure you are prepared to mitigate these concerns and get the most benefit out of your Bring Your Own Device policy. We can help make sure that you are prepared. Call The Connection, Inc today at (732) 291-5938.

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Businesses Always Battle Risk

Businesses Always Battle Risk

The way that an organization handles risk is a big deal. Despite being born out of opportunity, opening a business itself can be looked on by many a major risk. As a result, every business should be looking to manage their risk. Today, we take a look at the role risk plays in business, and how IT, for all its benefits, carries with it some risk.

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Study Finds an Organization’s Greatest Security Risk isn’t Who You’d Expect

Study Finds an Organization’s Greatest Security Risk isn’t Who You’d Expect

The more users on your network, the more risk that user error could create a costly mistake for your infrastructure. While untrained employees could certainly ignore security policies, the greatest risk to your organization is an unexpected one. Research has proven that your company’s CEO, as well as other C-suite employees, hold one of the greatest risks for your business’ security.

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How to Effectively Manage Your Business’s Biggest Risk Factors

How to Effectively Manage Your Business’s Biggest Risk Factors

Every business has to deal with a certain amount of risk from various factors, from hackers, natural disasters, or user error. As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your organization can bounce back from a potentially dangerous situation with minimal casualties. We’re here to help you understand the importance of a risk assessment, and what you need to look out for.

What Risk Management Is
Risk management is the act of understanding and remedying problems that could cause trouble for your business in the long run. Risk management includes, but is not limited to:

  • Business continuity: This is a broad term for the act of planning for the future in terms of backup and disaster recovery, workforce retention, and other problems that can directly be attributed to a disastrous change in operations. Basically, it’s making sure that your organization is prepared to handle a worst-case scenario.
  • Network security: Network security protects your business’s network from the many cyber threats that exist on the Internet, including viruses, malware, spyware, ransomware, trojans, and many others. As such, it’s a pivotal aspect of ensuring that your business’s future is secure.
  • Asset management: Asset management basically consists of ensuring your technology, as well as your IT budget, is prepared to handle a worst-case scenario. When your server breaks down, will you have the funds to purchase new hardware, or invest in the repair of the broken-down unit?

What You Need to Watch For
As you can see, risk management is an all-encompassing part of managing a business. Thankfully, you don’t have to go about risk management alone. With the help of The Connection, Inc, you can effectively manage risks to your business and ensure its continued prosperity. The following are services The Connection, Inc provides that are designed to alleviate the major pain points of handling risk management.

  • Backup and disaster recovery
  • Security solutions - firewall, antivirus, spam blocking, content filtering
  • Penetration testing
  • IT management
  • Remote maintenance and workstation/server management

The Connection, Inc understands that a small business like yours can have trouble managing and maintaining critical IT systems. You already have your hands full, even without taking a cautious, preventative approach to your technology solutions. To find out how your organization can benefit from our managed IT services and our risk management expertise, contact us at (732) 291-5938.

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Why You Should Encrypt ALL of Your Data, Not Just Your Customers’

b2ap3_thumbnail_managing_risk_400.jpgBusinesses today are responsible for keeping the data in their care safe from hackers. There are two kinds of data that a business must protect: the information of their customers, and their own data (eg. company policies and employee information). Which of the two do you think the average business does a better job of protecting?

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3 Precautions You Need to Take Before Migrating to the Cloud

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_risk_400.jpgCloud computing grows more popular by the day, and it continues to show its value to a modern business world. Being able to dynamically access content while online is a great asset, but of course, this doesn’t come without taking some risks and gambling your data’s security. Thankfully, there are some ways in which you can tip the odds in your favor.

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51 Village CT
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